How to remove a visitor from the Blacklist
Our blacklist feature allows you to see all conversations with clients who were blocked by your agents.
The list of blocked clients can be seen in the JivoChat web app or any of our Desktop apps.
After logging into your Jivo, access 'Contact Center' and go to the 'All' tab, then select 'Apply Filters' in the top right corner, as in the image:
Once you're there, filter the conversations by "Blocked".
Here you can find a list of dialogues from blacklisted clients with all details from the chats, agents and clients who participated on each conversation. Visitors are blocked for a period of 24 hours, this time cannot be changed.
If you’re willing to unblock the client or view the details, find the client you're looking for and click on top of that archive line to open the conversation.
Once the conversation is open, you can click on any of the 2 options pointed in the image below to unblock the client.
Once you unblock a client, they'll need to clear the cookies in their browser to be able to see the chat widget again: