How to install a chat on Tilda
In order to install the JivoChat widget on the Tilda platform, follow the instructions below.
In your website control panel, go to the Block Library: "More Blocks" at the bottom of the site editor.
Then go to "Other" → "JivoSite widget" (block T133), or use the search.
On the added block, click the "Content" button - a window with a field for inserting the JivoChat code will open.
The code is in the JivoChat app -> Settings -> Channels -> Settings of the channel -> Installation. It must be copied to the clipboard.
Paste the code into the window in the Tilda editor, then click Save & Close.
After that, you will see the inserted code on the page in the editor. Now you need to click "Publish" to see the changes in real time.
Ready! After publishing, the widget will appear on your site.